Heat Cost Calculator

If you have any questions about your heat charge, please contact your supplier directly.

Before using the Heat Cost Calculator, please read the information sheet here. This information sheet provides an explanation on the costs that are included in the Heat Cost Calculator. It also explains that for tenants, some costs may be paid in different bills. Please read the customer information sheet first.

For procurers of district heating, please read our notice of use.

For details on the background assumptions and data sources used by the Heat Cost Calculator, please see the further information document.

Your feedback is important to us. To help improve the Heat Cost Calculator, we would welcome your feedback on the calculator using the following MS form.

How to use the Heat Cost Calculator

To use the Heat Cost Calculator, you will need to know your postcode, the number of bedrooms in your home and the cost of your annual heat bill. It would also be helpful if to know how much heat you use per year in kWh. This is not essential for the tool to work, but it will improve the accuracy of the result if this information is provided. If you do not have this information, the Calculator will use an estimate.

Please note: The Heat Cost Calculator has been developed specifically for use by residential customers only. It is for information purposes only and does not provide a bespoke assessment. It is not intended to show whether or not your heat price is fair.

The Heat Cost Calculator will provide two results for the total cost of heating a home, including repair and maintenance: one for a property on a district heating network and the other for a property with an individual gas boiler.

Comparator FAQs https://heattrust.org/comparator-faqs

Privacy policy https://heattrust.org/dpa-act

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Your Property

Heat Trust Privacy Policy
The name of your heat network is the collective word used to describe the energy centre, pipes and buildings supplied by your central source of heat. The name may be stated in communications from your supplier, your heat bill, annual account statement, or heat supply agreement. If you are unsure of the name of your heat network, enter the name of your site or building instead.
Please select the type of property you live in from the drop down list. We will use this selection to add appropriate boiler and maintenance costs. If you do not know how many kWh of heat you have consumed in the last 12 months, we will use a standard value based on this selection. Where there is no exact match, select the one which most closely resembles your own.
Do you have a heat meter?
Some properties will have an individual heat meter installed. This heat meter will record your actual heat consumption in the same way a gas or electricity meter does. If you have a heat meter in your property or have access to an energy monitor or kWh register display showing your actual heat consumption select ‘yes’ to this question. Smart meters are included.
Are you

*denotes a mandatory field